Thursday, 8 April 2010

Music From The Mirror

Music for me is as much part of life as the blood surging through my veins. Living would be a damn sight poorer show if I didn't have my favourite artists/bands playing in the background, but I fail to understand the attraction of tribute bands.
Make no mistake, I do not have absolute animosity toward them like I have for my other pet bugs, but I do find myself tutting and rolling my eyes whenever I see them in music magazines. I understand the whole 'immitation is the sincerest form of flattery' angle but I prefer the originals. And while I admit that some may be excellent musicians who mimic their chosen artist perfectly (sometimes even better), I only raise my devil horns for the real thing. Call me a snob if you like, I don't care. I couldn't see myself rushing to buy tickets to see what is essentially a rip off of my all time favourite bands.
When I want to catch the likes of Iron Maiden, Slayer or Motley Crue, I don't wish to see their uglier doppelgangers strut the stage, hamming it up to classic songs. Or worse, behaving as if they actually WERE my musical heroes. And this seems to happen a lot. There was a Guns n' Roses tribute act doing the rounds a few years ago, and happily I didn't witness it but a friend did, the singer of the act walked around the tiny club they were playing in as if he was Axl Rose!?
Now it is said that the smaller the band/artist then the bigger the ego because unknown names need to make a noise for themselves. (People like Keith Richards don't need to do this.) If this is true then the pouting and antics that this Axl wannabe must have been truly awful to see. Indeed the same must be said of all the aspiring AC/DC's and Metallica's, im willing to bet that they ALL believe themselves to be huge names in their own heads; legends in their teapots.
Nope, I have no time for actors (for this is what they surely are) playing copied music because nothing is of their own design, from body moves to music style. And to my mind there is nothing impressive about playing by numbers. By all means perform your greatest gig in front of your bedroom mirror but don't expect me to go out and watch it, much less PAY to see it.
I want to be Running To The Hills WITH Iron Maiden, not running for the hills to escape their younger, dumber brother.

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