Wednesday, 19 May 2010

When Porn Tells Lies

Im going to be honest, I love pornography. I really love pornography. Who doesn't? (Ignoring the usual suspects who shall remain stale by being ignored.) Good pornography livens up a sex life bringing new ideas to the mix, as well as 'relaxing' those odd flat moments. I have never agreed with those funny few who tell us 'Porn Is Wrong' or that it leads to wicked deeds like rape and murder. And yes Im fully aware that serial killer Ted Bundy claimed porn could fuel dangerous perverts but sensible people will ignore him. He was a cowardly murderer who was trying to use psycho babble to stay his execution. That was all.
I have been watching pornography since I was 14 and im sorry to have to inform the nay sayers but it hasn't corrupted me. Not a bit. I do not see women as objects, nor do I mistreat them or go lurking in dark alleys. My diet of bar room lunches and blonde starlets has not crippled my soul. (Well those wet lunches might have scarred a bit but thats a different story.)
However there is a giant BUT to be added to my 'Porn Is Fab' claim and it has a lot to do with the fabulous internet. There are far too many sicker type of videos being uploaded onto regular porn sites. Videos which are not remotely pornographic and are down right disturbing. Who wants to watch fake rapes and videos where women get beaten and abused?
Im not naive, I know there are vile individuals on this planet but when one actually sees what type of things they get up to then it brings it home that much harder. I think many would call them ILL but EVIL is more appropriate a label. Sick people don't delight in beating women, bad people do. There is NO treating these twisted types and purveyors of such despicable filth ought to be jailed for life.
On a different note they give pornography a bad name. If someone new to it were to browse sites with horrible images or videos then they come away disgusted at us ALL when its nothing to do with normal users. The majority of porn viewers do NOT salivate over creepy 'fetishes', we just want a little spice and certainly nothing involving violence or abuse.
Pornography IS good. Too bad a minority who belong in cages are showing it as something to be ashamed to view.

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